Seeing the editing process that photographers use has always fascinated me. Each one is different and each has his or her own way of bringing to life their photos. I'll be going through a blogging series this season and showing various Before and After shots from my clients' sessions.
The first photo below features the adorable Raegan, and she had a tree growing through her ears that just HAD to go! There was also a shadow to the right that was distracting and wasn't helping to bring focus to her pretty face. I used the Clone Brush in Photoshop CS4 and happily copy and pasted the surrounding area to blend it away.
The first photo below features the adorable Raegan, and she had a tree growing through her ears that just HAD to go! There was also a shadow to the right that was distracting and wasn't helping to bring focus to her pretty face. I used the Clone Brush in Photoshop CS4 and happily copy and pasted the surrounding area to blend it away.
Photoshop actions used: Yellow Sky Actions' Boutwell Magic Glasses and Gone Goes the Wind.
Brody just turned 2 and is full of energy! I sometimes feel that the most successful child photographer would be a midget because they can shoot at eye level with these kiddos vs the ever popular squat. As you've probably figured out you can't run and squat at the same time! Brody's mama was hurrying to get out of the shot as I rushed and crouched in front of B-man but she didn't quite make it in time. Clone Brush to the rescue again! I just easily brushed her legs away and blended it into the background and this adorable shot was saved.